1., Dr A. Albadvi
Healthcare redesign: meaning, origins and application
Redesign principles and tactics are all about restructuring the process, informating the process and minding the process which is changing knowledge management around processes. The purposes of these principles are to maximize the value adding to a process, manage non-value adding activities and minimize anything unneeded such as wastage.
Restructuring the process includes losing wait, orchestration, mass-customization and synchronization. Losing wait is talking about concurrency, closed-loop and continuous flow. The former one redesigns time-sequential activities to be executed concurrently, the middle one builds closed-loop teams for quicker flexible interaction. The last one designs for real-time processing preferable than batch processing. Orchestration includes partnering and outsourcing, in-sourcing and routine through an intermediary. Partnering and outsourcing means partnering a process with another enterprise or outsourcing a process to another enterprise. While in-sourcing means in-sourcing a process back into an enterprise, routing through an intermediary means routing a process through middleman. Mass-customization includes flexing time, flexing space, modularity and dynamic customization. The first one refers to the flexible access by expanding the time window for a process. The second one refers to the flexible access by raising more options for physical space in which process is executed. The third one consists of independent modules that can be re-sequenced easily. The fourth one enables dynamic customization of product offerings. Synchronize consists of match offerings on physical and virtual parts of the channel, common process platform for physical and electronic processes and track movement of physical products electronically.
For informating processes, it consists of digitize and propagate, vitrify and sensitize processes. The first one digitizes at source that it shift the data entry to customers and digitize it to make it paperless. It also makes information easily accessible upstream and downstream throughout the business process. Besides, it shrinks the distance between information and decision by faster process execution and redesigning information capture and access around a process so that information for decision making in the process can be directly accessible. The second one provides on-demand information tracking information for customer of the process, reporting facilities for on-the –fly analysis such as rapid feedback about process progress, and designs standard partner interface processes for seamless exchange of information. The third one is about process dysfunction loops that it creates build-in customer feedback loops and sensors to detect process dysfunction. And it monitors environmental changes by enabling software to trigger quick business prompt response, or attach environmental probes to the process.
According to Dr A. Albadvi, the focuses on primary principals of BPR are as follows. First, a clean slate approach should be used to organizational design and change. Also, management should aware of an orientation to broad, cross-functional business processes. Besides, management and BPR team should identify the need and possibility of radical change in process performance. Furthermore, I.T. should be an enabler for change of work done. Organizational and human arrangements should also make adjustments to match with the change in technology.
According to a journal about healthcare company redesign principles, the BPR process redesign is led by frontline staff instead of normal BPR team or management. It helps to get autonomous clinical professionals to change their practices by letting gradual negotiation and implementation. It also mentioned that engagement of clinician is important such as senior management commitment and persistence.
This video also illustrated an ecosystem for healthcare on redesign process by orchestration. In this case, OEM, dealers, retailers, suppliers and repair shops are involved in ecosystem for purchasing, inventory check, service sharing and issue management processes. R&D department exchanges data and drug with other clinics within the network. It is in partnering approach to implement a process with other enterprise.
According to news mentioned, a concrete example of outsourcing tactic can be shown. McDonalds Hong Kong has provided McDelivery service to customers that customers can just simply phone call to make orders and wait for the food delivery directly to their homes or requested locations. This convenient call center service offered by McDonald Hong Kong has been outsourced to a service call center in GuangDong. All McDonald’s Hong Kong customers ‘calls are redirected to GuangDong through VoIP technology. Once an order has been made, ordering process will be sent to the nearest McDonalds branch in Hong Kong. This successful case makes McDonald reduce human cost and increase customer satisfaction. It is proved that service outsourcing can be made no matter how far the outsourcing company is.
To conclude, redesign principles are help to improve process and as a result, operation performance can be greatly improved by combining different tactics and principles. It is also proved that every core principle have successful cases. To chase for the trend of development in the world, may many other principles raised or the focus of existing changed.